​​Clean Carpets Are Healthy For Your Home

For years and years the assumption, held by many, was that carpeting in your home was bad for indoor air quality, allergies, and the general "health" of your home.

But Studies Show Those Assumptions Are and Were Wrong

​​​​In fact most indoor air quality experts believe that carpets are actually good for indoor air quality and the health of your home...but there is a caveat.

​Carpets Must Be Vacuumed Regularly and Kept Fairly Clean

​And this is the key. If you allow your carpets to bec​ome heavily soiled then carpets are going to contribute to poor indoor air quality for you and your family. 

You might be asking how carpets can contribute to good indoor air quality and there is a really simple answer:

Carpets Trap and Hold Soil Below Ankle Level​​​​​​​

​Carpets are great filters! In fact they are the biggest filter in your entire home. When soil gets deposited into your carpet, or comes into your home through the air, it settles into your carpet where the carpet fibers trap and hold that soil. 

With other flooring surfaces like tile and grout​ and wood floors the contaminants become airborne much easier and actually take more cleaning agents to get them off of those surfaces.

Airborne contaminants are not good for indoor air quality or people that suffer from allergies. The old thought process was that carpets were bad for allergy sufferers but that simply is not true if carpets are vacuumed regularly and cleaned professionally on a regular basis.​​​​

Unfortunately many doctors are still not properly informed of the benefits of carpeting in homes and to allergy sufferers, and are recommending flooring surfaces that can actually be bad for their patients.

​So the next time someone tells you that carpets are bad for allergy sufferers and indoor air quality just refer them to this article or have them visit the following page:


You Can Also Check Out THE FACTS in the video below

