Do Pet Odor Problems Have You Down? We Can Help!

Linton's Pet Odor Removal Service For Residents of Vancouver, Washington

Call Today - (360) 608-5441

There Is No Need To Live With Pet Odor in Your Carpets! The Odor Can Be Taken Care Of!

If you have pet odor problems in your carpet from any type of animal, including human, give us a call at Linton's Carpet Cleaning in Vancouver, Wa.. We offer expert pet odor removal services for the residents of Vancouver and the surrounding areas.

Pet Odor MUST Be Treated Differently, It Is NOT A Regular Carpet Cleaning Situation!

When it comes to removing pet urine in your carpet, along with the associated pet odors, the first thing you have to understand is that "normal" carpet cleaning procedures will not work in 99% of the cases. In fact if you try to deal with pet odor in your carpet with normal carpet cleaning you are almost guaranteed to have poor results and the odor can actually end up being worse! Yes, worse.


Why Normal Carpet Cleaning Procedures Fail In Dealing With Pet Odor in your carpet

One of the reasons "normal" carpet cleaning procedures fail to deal with pet urine, and the odors, in your carpet is because urine has properties to it that do NOT allow it to easily be rinsed from your carpet, especially after that urine has been sitting in your carpet for days or months. 

Urine crystals can be really hard to rinse out of a carpet, even if you have located where the urine is. And that brings us to the MAIN reason that normal carpet cleaning does not treat pet urine effectively: In normal cleaning situations the urine is NOT PROPERLY LOCATED.

The Three Steps To GREAT Pet Odor Removal In Your Carpet

Locating The Urine

Black Lights For Pet Urine Removal Vancouver, Wa.

The first step to good odor removal is locating the urine. A black light is one of a number of tools professional odor removal specialist use to locate the urine. If you do not find all of the urine, you are not going to get good results in removing the pet urine odors.

Rinsing The Urine Out

The Water Claw is great for pet urine removal

After the urine has been located it needs to be thoroughly rinsed out. The above tool is called a Water Claw and it does an amazing job of helping thoroughly flush urine from your carpet. Good odor removal is not just about covering the odor up. It is about removing the urine source.

Odor Eliminators

Pet Urine Odor Eliminators in Vancouver, Washington

During the extraction of the pet urine a number of cleaning agents made specifically for urine can be used. In the picture above you see an enzyme product called Molecular Modifier. It is one of many professional products used to break up and rid carpets of pet odors.


The Three Steps Above Are Critical To Good Pet Odor Removal, So Let's Take A Closer Look At Them.

1.You Must FIRST Locate The Pet Urine

The very first step in thorough pet odor removal is the location of all of the urine. EVERY SINGLE DROP. And to do that you need to have the tools that help you detect urine deposits that might not be visible to the naked eye.

Tools Used To Detect Urine Deposits - These Pet Odor Removal Tools Are A Must

1. Black Light- A black light does NOT actually detect urine but it detects urine crystals. At that point you need to get down on your hands and knees and use the oldest odor detection tool known to man - YOUR NOSE. That is the only way to accurately detect if there is urine in your carpet.

2. Moisture Detector- A moisture detector, much like a black light, does NOT actually detect urine. But it detects MOISTURE and urine crystals attract moisture. So if you use a moisture detector and get a positive results you must, again, use the good old nose to see if it is actually urine. 

If you hire a carpet cleaning company to take care of your pet odor issues you need to make sure they take a look at EVERY area in your carpet. EVERY SINGLE AREA. It is a must for good pet urine removal.


Once the urine is found it then needs to be extracted and that takes us to the next step.

2. You mUST Thoroughly Extract The Urine

Once the urine is found, that is just the beginning. So what do you do when you find the pet urine? You need to thoroughly extract it and this is where home owners and inexperienced pet odor removal specialist make their biggest mistake.

They Don't Remove The Urine - They Try To Cover It Up - Big Mistake

The biggest mistake people make when trying to get rid of pet odor is trying to cover it up instead of actually getting rid of it. 

Good professional pet odor removal specialist find the urine and then extract (remove) as much of the urine from contaminated sources as possible. And professional pet urine removal specialist use tools that the average person simply does not have.

And One Of Those Tools Is The Water Claw

The Water Claw is actually a tool used to remove water from flooded surfaces and this is why it makes rinsing urine out of your carpet such a powerful tool.

Once the urine is found, the area that contains the urine is treated with special pet odor removal cleaning agents and then rinsed with LARGE amounts of water using the Water Claw. The reason the Water Claw is so useful for this flood type of extraction is the ability to get out most of what is put into the carpet. So rinsing the carpet of urine becomes much easier.

It is not just important to remove the pet urine from the carpet but also the padding and even the sub-floor. You can get all of the urine out of the carpet but if you leave urine in the padding or sub-floor you are not going to get good results.

If the odor removal agents have LESS urine to deal with they are going to be more successful. Not all urine can be removed all of the time, so removing as much as you can makes getting rid of the pet urine much easier when using the pet odor removal agents.

Once as much of the urine is extracted as possible then it is time to move onto the next step and the step that should give you great results.

3. Using Pet Odor Eliminators

The final step in great pet odor removal is the use of odor removal agents made specifically for dealing with urine. There are a number of them so we will not go over all of them. But a good professional pet odor removal specialist will use these cleaning agents.

Enzymes Are Very Popular For Pet Odor Removal and For Good Reason

Some of the most popular pet odor removal agents are enzymes. These special enzymes eat and digest bacteria that cause the pet odor. If you are using a good enzyme and it reaches the source of the urine it will take care of the problem...if you give it time. Some enzymes can actually take up to 48 to work. 

Two big mistakes many inexperienced pet odor removal specialist commit is not allowing the enzymes the time they need to work. The enzymes must also be put down in sufficient quantities and be given the time to digest the urine.

Oxidizing Agents

Oxidizing agents are very very successful when dealing with pet odor in your carpet and they work completely differently than enzymes. 

Oxidizing agents are kill the bacteria that causes the odor and they do this with an unstable extra oxygen molecule.  Hydrogen peroxide is an example of an oxidizing agent but there are a number of them.

These oxidizing agents work fast and the speed of which they work are why many professional carpet cleaners prefer oxidizing agents over enzymes, although there are enzymes that can be mixed with oxidizing agents to give you the best of both worlds when it comes to pet odor removal.

4. Pad Removal And Sub-Floor Sealing

There are some cases where no matter how hard you try to remove the source of the odor you just can't get it all. And in that case the pet odor removal specialist is going to have to pull the carpet up and remove pad and seal the sub-floor. 

Sometimes this has to be done, but most of the time if the first three steps have been done properly you will not have to remove padding and seal the floor unless there has been a very large amount of urine deposited.

Any Good Pet Odor Removal Specialist Can Handle Pulling The Carpet and Sealing The Floor.

If you are going to hire a professional pet odor removal specialist to remove urine odor from your carpet make sure they can handle the removal of padding and the sealing of the sub-floor. Some can, some can't.

5. pet Odors That Are NOT Urine

In many cases a home can have pet odors that are NOT urine. And in these cases it is almost always from dog or cat dander that eventually permeates the carpet, the pad, and even furniture in your home.

Pet Dander Odor Can Be EXTREMELY Difficult To Remove

Pet dander odor, especially when mixed with moisture, can be really hard to get rid of. Sometimes much harder than urine because pet dander odor is usually spread over the entire room or area. It can easily be in the furniture, curtains, and walls. 

So How Is Pet Dander Odor Dealt With?

Well, there are a number of things that you have to do. First, like urine, you have to clean the source and clean it as thoroughly as you possibly can. 

Second, you have to then use cleaning agents designed to deal with this odor.

Once you have cleaned the source of the urine you then have to using odor control agents that can deal with this type of odor and one of the most successful steps is using ozone. Ozone molecules can penetrate really small areas of surfaces that water cannot penetrate. Once the ozone molecule hits the odor molecule the odor molecule is instantly destroyed and there is no more odor!

The Bottom Line Is That Pet Odor Has To Be Dealt With Specifically

You do not treat pet odor with normal cleaning procedures, especially if the pet odor or pet urine is in large amounts. It just will not work. In fact, if you do not treat pet urine/pet odor the right way you can actually make the odor MUCH worse.

Expert Pet Odor removal Service In VAncouver, Washington

If you have pet odor issue in your home or place of business please give us a call today. We are Vancouver, Washington's premier pet odor removal specialist. We will come to your home or place or business and give you a FREE NO OBLIGATION quote on any pet odor or pet urine removal service you need.

Linton's Carpet Cleaning in Vancouver, Washington

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